Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Treehouse Part 3

So we had our tree, next it was on to the platforms.

We constructed two of the standard "raft" sort of platforms out of craft sticks/Popsicle sticks fitting them into the spaces between our branches.  We picked up some bass wood* pieces to help brace the platforms against the branches wherever we could.

Building the Platforms

Upper Platform test fitting

Now here's where our math came in.   We used the easy 1:1 dollhouse scale (1 inch = 1 foot) for calculating our sizing and even had our scale model child.

"We wish to welcome you to Munchkin Land!"

Then we had a brilliant idea; make a tiny rope ladder.  We looked at real ladders and determined that rungs are about one foot apart. So it seemed easy enough: tape toothpicks to a ruler, knot some string onto each, a drop of glue to make everything stay put.  


Those tiny knots were awful and traumatic.  Keeping the string taut as you tied the knot was even worse. And the rungs kept ending up glued to the paper.  But, in the end, we had a ladder.

It's all fun and games until you glue yourself to a toothpick.

Ladder drying on tree and lower platform in progress

Clearly, the Lullaby League found it all very tedious.

We decided they had the right idea and went to 
do a little *ahem* research.

Next time, everything glued will be in place and the fun part; decorating!

*affiliate link

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